My name is Daniel Fonov, I am 15 full years old. I am enjoying nature, building a tree house with friends, but this does not prevent me from playing Minecraft, which I have been playing for almost 7 years.

Daniel Fonov @Fonov

Age 19, Male



Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Joined on 6/22/20

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My story.

Posted by Fonov - June 22nd, 2020

In my childhood, my mother met a very good-looking man. He did not drink,did not smoke,was always polite and adequate person. After a while, he came to live with us. Changed in the communal apartment in which we then lived all the plumbing. I made normal lighting in the entrance on our floor, several times quite severely reprimanded me for not obeying. I made all sorts of small things convenient. There's a shelf,there's a water tank. Many praised him.

He was a fairly fair and interesting man himself. I was also glad that he appeared in our lives. He did not impose himself and did not adapt to anyone was able to cause real respect. Bought me shoes and normal shoes instead of the ragged Soviet Keds I used to wear. A pair of normal sweaters and a jacket.

We started to live as a friendly, happy family. A couple of months later, along with him, a new friend of his came to visit us. Serious kind of funny-looking bespectacled man of small stature. We had dinner together. And bespectacled with his stepfather and mother started a slow conversation. I went to do my school homework. Out of the corner of my ear, I heard new words that interested me.

Karma, astral,living ethics, Roerich, Mahatmas, Buddha, and much more. Interested, I began to eavesdrop on the conversation. Glasses argued with his stepfather about reincarnation, talked about the wheel of Samsara, the harm of meat and the cadaverous poison called imperil that accumulates in the meat that we eat and that poisons us. I was terribly interested and at the age of ten I believed everything that this bespectacled little man was proving to my stepfather. Then, after the conversation, he politely said good-bye and left. My mother and stepfather had a little talk about it and went about their business.

A week later, bespectacled invited us to a club to visit. We came and watched a movie with other people in a small hall, either about the Roerichs or about Blavatsky. Or take turns about everything together. I don't remember that. Since then, my stepfather has often run into this club, which was organized by this man on the territory of the children's library. After a month, he went there every day. My mother and I used to go there too. I was an inquisitive person and read about Blavatsky,Shambhala,and the Roerichs ' legacy with a great deal of faith. We were all taught and taught the idea that the end of the world has already come,that now it is full of signs and signs,and Roerich-this was the second incarnation of Christ. That Buddha, Christ, Lenin, and the prophets in all religions are messengers of Mahatmas (the great souls of Tibet) who come to the world once in the Tibetan age and carry a new teaching . Those who accept the teaching can, thanks to their knowledge, transmute the cosmic energies that are coming to Earth and survive in wars and battles. There after a time,long when we were already in theme with the whole family and was even about Putin. That this great incarnation is also someone there. I don't remember. In General, we stopped eating meat,started drinking soda in the morning for some reason to help our centers not to burn like other uninitiated from cosmic rays and going to send a crowd of mental messages or prayers to the astral on certain days of the week. To save our sick planet.

In short, our family began to plow normally so then allegedly voluntarily on this sect. Build a house for future meetings allegedly. Stepfather began to find fault constantly with all sorts of little things very humiliated me and my mother, that we are not fully as he gives himself to the Light.

At the age of fifteen, I seriously thought about the nonsense I believed in. I was a well-read guy, very fond of reading everything and it saved me. Forcing them to form critical thinking. Made it possible to compare and analyze. Look at it from the outside. To say that I was fucking lost in thought and realized where we got into-does not mean anything. I was appalled. And my stepfather has already begun to talk about how it would be nice to rewrite our poor room with my mother to the community. Mother from such conversations, too, slightly woke up and refused. Then I spoke to her quietly. It took a while for her to get the same look from the outside as I did,but she did. We started avoiding going to this club. My stepfather started blaming my mother for this. Said we were going into the dark. I argued with him. I couldn't prove anything to him. The man fell over and was carried away. That's how we lived. Then I started living on my own for a while.

Then we had a house after my grandmother. And we went there. The house was old and required a lot of work. I did everything, and so did my mother. We asked my stepfather once,and then we felt sorry for him. A month of reproaches and humiliations for a day's work that he was distracted from his work for the COMMON GOOD,that's it.

I talked to my mother when I was about seventeen about throwing it up. This is not life. Mother loved said will think. She thought for a couple of years. Until my stepfather made a wooden platform in the courtyard, on which he put a tent and stretched a light there and began to live there. After living like this for a little more than a year. During this time, my mother finally broke with the sect, just like I did before. In General, what ideas only did not hear enough from the stepfather. And the house to break up and assemble a new one on bolts to rearrange as necessary and convenient,and rewrite the community. We wanted to get him out too, but as the years went by, it got worse and worse. A year in the tent was the last straw. We basically kicked him out. Breaking with the sect forever.

It took a few years and we learned from mutual friends that this once good man went mad. So the sect took away my childhood,I plowed on it,years of life and probably health of my mother,she dragged buckets with everyone and dug a pit for the house of the community and did other work and took away the person who could become a normal father to me. Taking his mind away at the end. From the age of eighteen now when I hear people talking about karma, astral,reincarnation, the harm of meat and other shit-I become very angry. And if I see that this is not a victim, but a hunter, luring people, then I really want to fill such a person's face. I never do that,but I really want to.



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